Highland is a church that reaches out to everyone in our community. This congregation of Christian believers is eager to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through varied ministries. Worship services are a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. Music is important to Highland’s worship. Musicians and singers serve as “prompters” to help congregants praise and worship God. The preached word is a biblical based Who-So-Ever-Will gospel.


Highland Church believes that prayer is one of the most powerful ministries available to the Christian. Through prayer, many avenues of service are presented. This community of believers has witnessed many answers to those prayers over the years. All age groups have an opportunity to fellowship, serve, and worship in this congregation.
The congregation reaches out in the name of Jesus Christ, building disciples with a vision for ministry. The goal is a Sunday School class for every age group, allowing members to “maintain a strong relationship with Jesus Christ and nurture development of Christ-centered families.”

Online giving
God is generous and so he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.
Since cash and checking accounts are becoming less common you are encouraged to use our online giving option. You can give anytime, anywhere from your computer, phone or tablet. Gifts can be designated to the General Fund, or directed to any of the funds listed.
Since cash and checking accounts are becoming less common you are encouraged to use our online giving option. You can give anytime, anywhere from your computer, phone or tablet. Gifts can be designated to the General Fund, or directed to any of the funds listed.