Let the redeemed of the lord tell their story - 

Psalm 107:2

Mission: We are women of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church committed to the ministries of prayer, study, service, and fellowship.
Purpose: to accept and share the love and joy of Jesus Christ through the ministry of women in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We seek to do this as we pray, study God’s Word, and reach out to others through mission, service, encouragement, and fellowship opportunities.

The Highland CPWM is part of the larger body of Cumberland Presbyterian Women. All women are members of the CPWM and included in the ministry of the local group. At Highland, our women stay involved with the Stott-Wallace missionary fund, ministering to our shut-ins and others, hosting fellowship meals and various outreach projects. For more information about the CPWM on the denominational level, click on the link below. If you would like to know more about the local Highland CPWM, scroll to the Contact Us at the bottom of this page.
The Stott Wallace Missionary Fund is the sole support of Cumberland Presbyterian Missionaries. The Highland CPWM is proud to support this fund through various annual fundraisers.  

cpwm meeting schedule

first monday each month @ 10am

Cumberland Presbyterian Women's Ministry (CPWM) meets the first Monday of each month at 10am in the Fellowship Hall.

Contact Us

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