Serve in our church

A significant part of the work of the church is done through our committees.  They serve as an instrument to study specific areas of the church life, become informed, make recommendations to the session and engage in direction and oversight which would be impossible for the session as a whole or the pastor to do adequately.  Each committee has specific duties and responsibilities geared to their area of interest. 


christian education

The Christian Education Committee guides the church in all programs of education to strengthen and sustain members.  This committee is responsible to recruit and train teachers and leaders for education related programs, select and/or approve materials used in the education department, coordinate special days such as Sunday School Promotion Day, Teacher Recognition Day, install the teachers each year, promote camps, retreats, conferences and rallies, and select the VBS director each year.

flower & decorating

The Flower and Decorating Committee is responsible for overseeing the beauty of the sanctuary as we are reminded of God's beauty.  They decorate the church in connection with the season.

Hospitality & Fellowship

The Hospitality and Fellowship Committee strives to develop and support fellowship in the life of the body of Christ at Highland.  They provide leadership for the events which create and promote hospitality and fellowship.  They oversee the setup and clean up for these events.  They are responsible for maintenance of the Fellowship Hall and gym kitchen furniture, supplies, and equipment.

member care

The Member Care Committee extends Christian caring, concern and support to members of the Highland congregation through various ministries, including meal preparation and delivery to those with special needs, prayer, transportation, communication and visitation to express our caring thoughts, and providing special needs as they arise.


The purpose of the Technology Committee is to maintain and support a broad range of technology tools that enable the staff and ministries of our church to more effectively accomplish their ministries and missions.  They oversee the purchase, installation, and upkeep of the computers and internet access.  They oversee the design, development and administration of the church website, social media, and all areas of technology needed to aid in distributing information.  They shall maintain the exterior LED sign, church sound systems, sound booth computer, projectors and live streaming of the Sunday morning worship service.


The Worship Committee is responsible for overseeing the worship needs of the congregation.  They work with the pastor regarding worship services, and plan special worship services/events (Easter, Advent, Christmas, homecomings, revivals, etc.)  They also maintain supplies for Communion.

Highland cemetery

The Highland Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery Committee is responsible for maintaining the grounds of the cemetery, upgrading the property when necessary, keeping an updated list of available plots, and assisting people in obtaining a burial plot. 


The Maintenance Committee provides leadership in maintaining our facilities so as to present a comfortable, attractive, well kept and Christ-like appearance to the congregation and the community.  They are responsible for the care and maintenance of the church building and grounds, any improvements or additions to the building or property, and supervision of  janitorial staff.

missions & community outreach

Highland’s members are involved with many community mission and outreach opportunities To list a few, they are a Blessing Box for small food pantry items, participation in collecting items for Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes; Hope Unlimited, Baby Bottle Campaign, and to assist with Toys for Tots.


The Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing the financial well-being of the Church and to see that the Church Session is informed of the financial health of our monetary assets.  The committee submits an estimated budget to the Session each year.


We would love to put you in touch with the committee of your choice. Please reach out if you still have questions.